The Church Father Irenaeus described the Son and Holy Spirit as the two 'hands' of God. That thought is certainly compatible with my own understanding of the doctrine of the Trinity.
When my hand is holding something, or pointing at something, it is actually me that is doing the holding or pointing, even though my hand is not identical to me. Similarly, when the Son or Spirit are acting or speaking it is actually God who, through them, is acting or speaking. It is in this sense, I believe, that we can speak of the Son and the Spirit as God - not in the strict sense of being identical to God, which is, in my opinion, applicable only to the Father.
As I've stated previously, while not being strictly identical to God, the Son and Spirit are certainly divine, by virtue of the fact that they are 'parts' or aspects of the one true God (the Father) - namely His Word and His Spirit.
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